Getting Ready for Winter: Water Crocks sealed with beeswax

Now all I need to do is paint the names of our rabbits on their bowl 🙂

These crocks turned out great, and are very cheap to make, I’d guess just over a dollar a piece to make. This makes up for the water bottle fiasco.

We melted some beeswax, and with a paintbrush we sealed the bowl of our water crocks. Mortar tends to have little bubbles and imperfections where bacteria could collect and cause illness, so to keep the bowls clean and easy to keep clean, we decided to seal the bowl using beeswax.
We melted some beeswax, and with a paintbrush we sealed the bowl of our water crocks. Mortar tends to have little bubbles and imperfections where bacteria could collect and cause illness, so to keep the bowls clean and easy to keep clean, we decided to seal the bowl using beeswax.
Bowls sealed with beeswax
Bowls sealed with beeswax

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